Sunday, May 9, 2010


Sakura, the cherry blossom tree, is everywhere in Japan. The country seems to revolve around blooming season in the spring.

The season begins in Okinawa in January and ends in Hokkaido in late April or early May. Scott actually planned this trip around the sakura season. We lucked out for most of the trip. The blossoms were gorgeous in Kyoto, Nara, Takasaki, and Tokyo. Niigata and Aizu-Wakamatsu were unusually cold, so the blossom season had not yet begun even though it was mid-April.

The Japanese have a festival revolving around sakura, Hanami. Each year, people set down tarps in parks full of sakura and have picnics amongst the trees. School groups and businesses, as well as families, have official outings for hanami. There are apparently some folk songs and dances designed for hanami, but most people are just interested in eating and drinking.

Tarps set up for hanami

Sakura in Byodo-In and Nara:

Sakura in Takasaki:

Sakura just blooming in Aizu-Wakmatsu:

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